Friday, August 21, 2009
The wandering solitary mind
Friday, August 14, 2009
India away from India

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Interesting Signboards
Check out d 1 to d left. I caught dis 1 near a fly-over at Madurai. Well, it does convey the required msg. But i guess it can definitely be done in a better way.. I really wonder who comes up with these kinda stuff...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
D: It is written

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Who wants to play Dodge-shoe...
With reference to the shoe throwing incident on President Bush at Iraq, I was actually quite startled when I initially heard about it. The journalist's got guts to throw shoes at a country's President. What I'm wondering is, what were his bodyguards doing. I mean, the journalist had enough time to throw 1 shoe, reload, then throw another. And even after that, it took some time for ppl to react. Weren't the guards supposed to jump in front of even a bullet to save the President. And all they did was watch Mr.Bush play Dodge-shoe. Argh...
There were a lotta comments about this video which has had more than 5 million views. But i liked this the best: "The journalist had an opportunity of a lifetime. Its like running for gold and missing it in the last 5 meters".
An Iraq citizen spoke to the press stating that "Throwing a shoe at someone is a sign of insult in Iraq. It means that person is worse than the dust under the shoes", or something similar to this. Well, did they really think that Americans take that as an honor of some sort. Get a life...
On the other side, Mr. Bush actually has done something good to the economy. Mr. Baydan, the supposedly creator of the famous shoe, has had more than 100,000 orders from several countries after the incident and the firm has given employment to more than 100 ppl. Looks like Mr. Bush has done the good deed of his reign. Way to go... Moreover, he seems to be taking it pretty light-heartedly. "This shows freedom of speech. All I can say is it it size 10", was his jovial comment.
The incident became so popular that there's even a game online mocking it. Ppl sure r determined. Anyway, i just thot I'll giv u the link. So, hav fun...
The world just seems to be waiting for something interesting to happen eh.. After all, y els wud i even write this post..Monday, January 5, 2009
Welcome 2009
So, here we go...
Every new year's eve, we celebrate the oncoming year. But y do we really celebrate? R we really excited about getting a new calendar? Or the innumerable pointless resolutions that we make, but forget to keep up? Or is it d day off from our workplace? The truth is - We just need a reason to celebrate :). A reason to hav fun, get in touch with friends, stay up late in the night, booze, make up with broken relationships n so on.
So with the truth out in the light, lets get to know some reasons y we really could celebrate the onsetting of year 2009. In general, it has become customary to have several names for a particular year with respect to the recent trends and happenings. In this context, 2009 has its own specialities.

- Chinese: Year of the Ox
- Science: Year of Science
- Economy: Year of the thaw
- Internet: Year of the Hacker
- Astronomy: Year of Astronomy
- Computer: Year of the Linux Delusion
- Environment: Year of the Gorilla
- US: Year of travel deal
With this, I pass on my new yr wishes to everyone. N if u still r bent upon making new yr resolutions, lemme help u wid some that u can easily keep up.
- Read less books. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Too much of it can really wreck your head
- Eat more. Dont u look skinnier
- Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for your health, it can even kill you.
- Watch more TV. It's very educational. Catch up on all those programs you missed down the years.
- Work less. Take it easy. All work and no play can make you a dull boy or girl.
- Play more computer games. Scientists say they're good for you and improve your visual skills. But you always knew that.
Btw I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me...